getting rid of these pests is a real P.I.A.!!! need LOTS of patience too!!
are you SURE you have any of the above or MIGHT it just be those ****** pop up ads?
those are Messenger Spam! you know,you have a quad-trillion trouble makers and they can be removed for just $$$$$
start--administrative tools--services
alerter service
right click--select properties--select disable from drop down menu
repeat this process for messenger service
remove virus/trojan/worm:
start--control panel--internet options--privacy--advanced--override
allow 1st party cookies
BLOCK 3rd [ tracking ] party cookies
delete cookies/history/temp files from internet options general page
empty prefetch and temp file folders
start--control panel--[ XP ] local disk drive (c), [ Vista ] O.S. (c)--windows
temp folder-- [ XP ] file, [ Vista ] organize--select all
press delete key on keyboard
now go OFFLINE and power back up under SAFE MODE.
while booting up,press f-8 key till you get SAFE MODE utility selection
1st thing,turn OFF system restore where nasties lurk.
all programs--accessories--system tools--system restore
settings--drive (c)--setting--check the OfF box [ while there,set slider to 3% to recover 10% disk space ]
start--control panel--performance,information & tools--open disk clean link--select O.S. (c)--select more options--select system restore and shadow copies--select clean up
do a disk clean:
start--all programs--accessories--system tools--disk clean--disk drive (c)--click delete--click delete again to finish
start--control panel--performance,information & tools--select disk clean--select disk drive [ O.S. c ]--click ok--click delete--click ok
HOPEFULLY,you have an anti-virus--anti-rootkit blocker as well as at least 2 anti-spyware removers installed.
run those. if you haven't proper protect installed,before you go offline,download them from here
i'd also HIGHLY reccomend downloading Firefox web browser and it's attending security extensions.
once you are cleaned up,return to system restore and create a new,clean restore point to work from in the future.
anti-virus shield:
anti spyware shield:
Spyware Blaster
AVG anti spyware
anti hijacker:
file cleaner:
registry cleaner:
see above link to download these
also download Firefox and the security extensions you'll find there