3 Methods to remove this Rogue! and use also the Task Manager to kill the program:Ctrl+Alt+Delete, Click on program, End Task. If it doesn't appear on Application tab, select Process tab, and carefully select it to End task>Click OK. (Guideline) http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/virus-removal/
1) Go to IE or your Web Browser>Tools>Internet Options>Security tab>Click on Restricted Sites icon>Click on Sites>Under 'Add This Website to the Zone', Type >Add>Close>OK.Url that is trust onto your IE>Add>Close>OK.
2) IE>Tools>Manage Add On>Click on Toolbars Extensions>Disable any unknown add on. (Make sure that all add on is chosen at the bottom left of the page).
3) Anti spyware Malwarebytes Anti-malware, download on a clean PC with Firefox/Google Chrome to a memory stick/CD.
http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/grinler/rkill.comer) http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/malwarebytes/mbam-setup.exe
registry entry fixer for problem with update and installers.
Follow blindly the guidelines of http://www.bleepingcomputer/virus removal.
You must boot on Safe Mode (press F8 for XP/F2/F12 for other OS) several times>Bios screen>Safe mode with Networking(or not if you can't use the Internet)>wait>OK>Turn off System Restore>Right click on My Computer icon>Properties>System Restore>Check 'Turn off System Restore on all drives>OK>Wait>Run Rkill as the guidelines say.
Install MBAM to my Desktop under a false name w1w1w1 so it won't get affected by the spyware>Update>Run Full scan>Delete (infected files are put in Vault/quarantine), you can show them to online forum such as http://www.bleepingcomputer.com%3Eregister/ and register, for free>Forum Support. They'll tell you if you can delete them safely.
4) If it works, great otherwise download Hijack This>Run scan on suspected files>Show them to bleepingcomputer.com
you can show them to this forum: http://www.techsupportforum.com/security-center/virus-trojan-spyware-help/hijackthis-log-help-inactive/83200-hijack-log.html
5) Last resort: search for C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS, open Notepad (Start>Programs>Accessories>Notepad>Remove Entry. Good luck!