How do I stop my brother from hacking on my computer?
2007-05-02 13:31:18 UTC
K its getting really aanoying everytime my brother stays home fromn school he hacks on my computer and goes on the intenet doing whatever he wants. I've tried almost everythingto stop hime but somehow he keeps getting on. This is really annoying can some help.PS I have indows XP Home edition I think and the computer is locked until I right my pasword but somehow he manages to rewrie the username and log in. I switch it from th eusual mode where you click on your username and just type in the password
Thirteen answers:
2007-05-02 13:36:35 UTC
Windows passwords are really easy to crack.

If he is even half way computer savvy then he can get right past an administrator password and into any account without any trouble.

Even parental controls like "NetNanny" can be easily defeated.

Try putting a lock on your door or get a locking computer case.

Antec makes some really nice locking computer cases.

~BTW~ you better run a cleaning program to get all of the porn and malware off of your computer too.
2007-05-02 13:43:33 UTC
whats the best and easiest way to keep him from getting on your computer? well, in this case, just removing the power chord for your computer and hiding it somewhere safe would do the trick, lol.


im thinking that your brother is using a method where he changes a file called a SAM database. this stores the passwords for windows xp(your account) in a long string of numbers that XP checks against the password you enter when you login to see if it's the right password. I believe your brother is changing the SAM database hash(the long string of numbers) so that he can logon your computer.

SO, if he is doing this by the SAM database, there is a way to stop him!

Just make your password longer than 14 character(letters or numbers). This should stop him cold. BUT, if for some reason it doesn't try the other option listed in this article:
2007-05-02 13:37:14 UTC
He is probably using some of the password clearing programs that are out on the net these days. Either that, or he is just logging into the administrator account which probably does not have a password on it.

You could go into your BIOS and enable a boot password, if the BIOS has it.

Either that, or you will need to buy some security software.
Southport pc
2007-05-02 19:42:21 UTC
you can always put a ms dos password on it...that is when you start the computer up it automatically asks for a password. Now if he knows how to reset the jumpers then you u can just take the power cords with ya when u leave.

if you wanted to try the ms dos password restart your computer and enter the the setup screen for the dos. this is different in all computers. most of the times its "esc, f1 f2 f10 f12" and enter the screen that is called security and look for the password. option and chose a password you want and dont give it to anyone!!!
2007-05-02 13:36:24 UTC
It sounds like the ADMINISTRATOR password is not enabled :)

when you login, you can press ctrl + alt + del , or run windows from safe mode (when you press F8 when the computer turns on, a second before you see the windows logo).

Then you login with the username "administrator", once you are in you go to the "Control panel" and "Users", you can select any user and change his/hers password.

So I suggest you put a password for the ADMINISTRATOR!

Good Luck
2007-05-02 13:36:20 UTC
Change your Password in User Accounts. Try to put something long with numbers. If he keeps hacking in then he probably has a keylogger or some kind of utulity taht lets him bypass your password. Tell your Parents!
2007-05-02 13:37:23 UTC
why not setup

a password in your bios

set your bios to not bootup from floppies or cd's

only from hard drive


install a boot loader like Boot magic and add a password

to that

that should stop him
2007-05-02 13:36:42 UTC
Beat him down and make him pay for his sins. Also I would take the power cable off of the computer when you leave. If he can't turn it on, he can't hack.
2016-05-19 04:26:40 UTC
Change your passwords to stronger ones, e.g. not just "john" but somethings like abimelech782316kpwqxj. That should make it more difficult. But if he has akeylogger installed, you are stuck with him.
2007-05-02 13:43:43 UTC
here is the links...hope this help

windows XP home has pretty lame security. some of these program cost $ some free...


2007-05-02 14:07:50 UTC
Your brother is probably using one of these methods.

Windows Lost Password tips.

How to Reset Forgotten Windows XP Passwords

Active Password Recovery Software

Login Recovery


Restricting access to your computer:

Most computers allow creating a BIOS password. Without a password your DVD/CD or floppy drives can not be used to boot the computer or reinstall Windows, bypassing all your Windows passwords. It also prevents the hard drives from being used, preventing entering Windows “safe mode” which can be used to modify your passwords.

The bios password can be defeated.

How to clear an BIOS password:

Lockdown PC

Windows XP passwords:

All accounts must have passwords. Each person must have a separate username and password to sign on the computer. You must have an “Administrative” account. Everyone else should have “Restricted Access” accounts.

Do not enable automatic logon.

Turn off the guest account

Protect your computer from access when you are temporarily away from your computer by using a screen saver password

Each person (if you allow) should have a separate email account.

A determined person can break or disable or get around all passwords.


How to make files and folders private in Windows XP so that only you have access to them

Vista Parental Contols

Software downloads. Some free, some offer a limited trial.

Restricting Internet Access

Your internet service provider probably provides a method to control access to the internet. I have ATT they have parental controls to limit access. Each user can have a separate account. A master password is required to change settings. Settings allow selecting for each user: Allowed times during the day; maximum hours of use; set ratings for types of content allowed to be viewed.

I am not recommending this software, but it pages clearly show setting up internet profiles and customizing the restrictions.

Reviews of programs that restrict net access:,1895,1986753,00.asp Topics
2007-05-02 15:33:01 UTC
remove the power cord and hit him with it. windows passwords are very easy to crack
2007-05-02 13:48:27 UTC
remove the power cord and keyboard and take them with you

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.