The truth is, you need more than "heebus..." suggests if you use Windows for Internet tasks.
And Windows never reaches a plateau or a point where users can say "There. That's all I ever need to do.", because new and clever ways to get around todays anti-everything will be unleashed tomorrow.
You must constantly babysit this OS and dedicate hours every week to do it.
So, if you follow "heebus..." solid core-advice, add these tid-bits to your arsenal:
Get Firefox as your default browser & use it for everyday surfing; fall back to iE only for "last resort" viewing of substandard websites & Windows updates.
The following tips help, but methods ("vectors") are dynamic.
FIREFOX: Tools> Options> Privacy> top drop menu set to "Firefox will use custom settings..."> Check 'Accept Cookies from sites'
►Un-Check 'Accept 3rd Party cookies'.
A good collection of effective add-on's (Official Mozilla) is here:
AdBlock Plus (with 'subscription' added) & "Better Privacy" also help defray rubbish.
►► At minimum, get the #1 item for malware prevention: NoScript, which constrains automagically fetching & deployment of tainted assets.
[see this page for how it works, and how to use it...very straight forward;
INTERNET EXPLORER does not handle 3rd party assets very well (or anything else) and won't give nearly the control as Firefox or Chrome. It is garbage.
Use at your own risk.
And, get these installed: ►"HOSTS file" (from which blocks evil webpage assets from re-directs which install malware or trashware. (Vista requires special instructions; on-page link)
SpywareBlaster (snoopware prevention and hostfile guardian);
Use "Sandboxie": for even better protection.
If you don't have time or skill for 'updating', have a look @ "Secunia": checks all your 3rd party stuff for updates.
Freeware, and has a one click 'install solution' feature...very handy.
Making all these changes seems overwhelming, and it is a pain in the keester; but it MUST be done, and constantly tweaked...or stop using Windows on the Internet; move to Linux. 'Mint" seems to be popular and easy to install & use.