I don't know really a lot about computer but I want to be a hacker and a computer geek im in high school with no computer knowledge
Six answers:
Tony Moorgate
2011-11-30 11:06:37 UTC
I'm a hacker myself, and my suggestion is that you familiarise yourself with programming, because hacking is a form of programming employed in a certain context. A good start is using the Windows command propmt, with which you can trace and ping IP addresses, and even find out MAC addresses. with the telnet client installed, you can do even more advanced things. It'd take forever to list the things you can do but test for yourself and see.
Psychic Computer RepairĀ® PEBKAC?
2011-11-30 18:59:13 UTC
1. Become a hacker: http://catb.org/esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html
2. Use your powers for good.
3. ????
4. Profit!
Batch scripting is a good start but it's rather limited. For what you seem to want, you'll end up needing to focus more on networking and lower-level programming. Social engineering is a fun thing to look into also. Mitnick has written a couple of interesting books.
Hang around security forums to pick things up. Start playing around at http://hackthissite.org/ .
BTW; Not all people "get" that the term hacker doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing. There are good hackers and bad. You only hear about the bad ones.