Well, I suggest you use this solution.
Also- Do you use AVG Free Edition, or a paid version of it?
Use this solution.
Mike’s clean-Up Solution (Version 2.0 LATEST VERSION!) Last Update: 8/12/07
The solution I’m Introducing was created by “Mike”. I offer a 100% Free Solution. If you ever have any questions, comments and/or concerns, feel free to contact me on my Profile Page via Yahoo! Answers.
The following tools, and software will be the program(s) you will use in order to remove your Malware. The programs I use, will have a * next to them. I test each program myself. Then, I compare my results with the web, then I re-write security solutions and such.
Step ONE: Download These Programs:
Please download only ONE of the following programs. Downloading two or more of an AntiVirus will cause conflict, and make your computer even MORE vulnerable.
McAfee Security Center * An All-In-One Suite, I prefer it very much. Firewall, Protection & AS & AV
Link: http://safety.aol.com/isc/basicsecurity/...
AVG Free Edition
Link: http://www.free.grisoft.com
Avast! Home Edition
Link: http://www.avast.com
Avira Anti-Vir
Link: http://www.avira.com
Choosing an AntiVirus:
Above are links and names of the Anti-Viruses I prefer (Free Edition Only). I am currently testing McAfee and I am loving it. The only downside to it, is when installing it you have to have an account (free registration) with AOL.
AVG, Avast! And Avira are also great and well-known AntiViruses. Choosing an AntiVirus is all up to the user. The Internet Security Suite seems to take up apprx. 70% More resources that the Security Center Version (Virus Scan Plus).
But as I said, ALL of them are great and well known. It just depends on what you like, because they all get the job well-done.
Anti Spyware:
Please download all of these programs, to ensure that your Malware was removed. By the way, I use all of these programs!
Link: www.safer-networking.org/
Spybot Search and Destroy
Link: www.emsisoft.com/en/software/f...
A-Squared Anti-Spyware Free
Link: www.lavasoft.com
Ad-Aware Personal SE
Link: www.comodo.com
Comodo Anti-Malware
Link: www.free.grisoft.com
AVG Anti-Spyware also download, AVG Anti-Rootkit
HEAVY DUTY/USE AT OWN RISK: www.superantispyware.com Super-Anti Spyware **
**Super anti-spyware, is a program that I use for heavy duty tasks, then immediately uninstall it. Personally, I do not trust the program, but it seems to help sometimes.
All in all, the programs above should definitely do the job.
Please make sure you only have one Firewall, If you have McAfee Security Center then this DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU!
Comodo Personal Firewall
Zone-Alarm FireWall
The two Firewalls above are two GREAT Firewalls. I suggest both of them, but again, its what you like.
Step-By-Step Method to Ensuring YOUR Security
1) Uninstall ALL Anti-Virus and Firewalls that you may already have. As these, will cause conflicts with the ones you will be suggested to download.
2) Download ALL of the programs above.
3) After download all the programs re-start your computer twice, ensuring that all/most of the programs start on start-up. Ad-Aware, Spybot and Anti Rootkit and A-Squared shouldn't. Make sure the firewall and AntiVirus do though.
4) Update all of the programs. You should do daily updates, and weekly scans. This will most definitly ensure your protection and your system status!
5) Re-Boot into Safe mode. To log into safe mode, "Button-Mash" (simoltaneously hit the key) F8. Then if it gives you a menu, hit "Safe-Mode".
6) Run your Anti-Virus, Regardless of which one you are using.
7) After giving it a minute or two to start-up, open up all of the AVG programs. Run them, give them an hour or two as this is their first scan. (AVG AntiSpyware & AntiRootkit)
8) Save your report if it gives you the option to, and if it does happen to detect a virus, then simply remove it.
9) Open up, A-Squared Free Edition, Ad-Aware, Spybot, SpySweep but, NOT WINDOWS DEFENDER! Run all of these programs and use them to scan. Again, if they detect anything then delete it. If you detected something previously in the AVG Scans then Congratulations! AVG was a great choice for you.
10) Open Windows Defender. Windows Defender is average, and takes a while to scan. Let that scan, and it shouldn't find anything at this point.
11) Congratulations! You have succesfully completed this Anti-Infection Proccess and you are guarenteed safety!
Need a Clean-up? (Tune-Up)
A simple program that removes unused and temporary files from Windows machines.
O&O Defrag
O&O Defrag Professional is the most professional and user-friendly features ever found in defragmentation software.
Step-By-Step method on cleaning up your Comp (Basic Version only):
1) Run & Install all the programs above
2) Restart Computer to ensure installation
3) Run Safe Mode (Explained in Virus Clean-Up above)
4) Run all the programs, but NOT O&O Defrag YET!
5) CCleaner will find some stuff and hit fix this and it will clean basic things.
6) Now, for this, make sure, that you DO NOT have any programs running. Exit out of any programs running!!
7) Run O&O Defrag. You'll see on the top top toolbar "Defragmentation" Click that, and then hit "Complete/Name" This is the most complex organazation tool and will take a long, long time! I'd reccomend doing this overnight while your sleeping!
Things to Think About when using anti-viruses and such:
-Resources: Many Anti-Viruses tend to become “Resource” Hogs. If you have a good comp., it doesn’t really apply. This can slow down your computer. Choose an Anti-Virus Wisely!
-Quality: Many antiviruses seem like they are good, but they really aren’t. They won’t ever find many viruses because the company that supports them does not search for the important threads.
-Speed: Speed is always a good thing, but, you want to also look at how many files the AV scanned and where. If it scanned only in your C;// Drive when you told it to do the whole computer, and it Zipped through it, Then its not a good AV. (Unless it finds something)
These criteria are ALL MY OPINION! You are entitled to your own- by all means!!
Have a suggestion? Feel free to tell me! Contact me via my profile page!