Hey, I have Mac OS X 10.6.2. Whats the best Antivirus for it? I use the internet Daily for Facebook, MSN and Youtube and e-mail, but thats really it. What do you recommend, oh yeah, Free is good :D
thanks for advice!
Five answers:
2016-12-25 22:27:52 UTC
2016-08-29 12:40:51 UTC
2010-01-18 11:19:11 UTC
You don't need any antivirus at this time. There hasn't been a released MacOS X virus since 2006. There are a handful of Mac trojans which are in illegal or fake software downloads. They require you to install them with your admin password after you have been tricked. As long as you don't download a fake Mac poker game, a fake Mac malware remover, a fake Mac antivirus, and fake Mac porn & HD viewers, you are safe from the fake stuff. As to illegal, there are trojans in torrents of iWorks 09, Photoshop CS 4 and Snow Leopard. So just be smart and you have nothing to worry about. You can't catch anything by opening an email, clicking on an ad or visiting a website. Snow Leopard will warn you about the most common trojans before you install them.
2010-01-18 11:59:58 UTC
I'm a malware analyst with Microsoft but, we are seeing more Mac trojans than ever before. Granted, there are millions more that infect Windows but, trojans (such as the RSPlug trojan) on Mac OS X are very real.
That said, I would recommend Intego VirusBarrier X6. The folks at Intego just released this new version and it's definitely the best security software for Mac OS X, IMHO. Although it's not free, it's very reasonable considering $50 covers 2 Macs for a year. Kaspersky and Norton also have Mac versions but, they don't offer as much protection and actually cost more. VirusBarrier X6 also scans for Windows and iPhone/iPod Touch malware, the latter only Intego does.