explorer.exe should be running all the time. iexplore.exe could be malware.
Removal procedures
for iexplorer.exe
Restarting in Safe Mode
» On Windows NT (VGA mode)
1. Click Start>Settings>Control Panel.
2. Double-click the System icon.
3. Click the Startup/Shutdown tab.
4. Set the Show List field to 10 seconds and click OK to save this change.
5. Shut down and restart your computer.
6. Select VGA mode from the startup menu.
» On Windows 2000
1. Restart your computer.
2. Press the F8 key, when you see the Starting Windows bar at the bottom of the screen.
3. Choose the Safe Mode option from the Windows Advanced Options Menu then press Enter.
» On Windows XP
1. Restart your computer.
2. Press F8 after the Power-On Self Test (POST) is done. If the Windows Advanced Options Menu does not appear, try restarting and then pressing F8 several times after the POST screen.
3. Choose the Safe Mode option from the Windows Advanced Options Menu then press Enter.
Terminating the Malware Program
# Open Windows Task Manager.
» On Windows NT, 2000, and XP, press
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, then click the Processes tab.
# In the list of running programs*, locate the process:
# Select the malware process, then press either the End Task or the End Process button, depending on the version of Windows on your system.
# To check if the malware process has been terminated, close Task Manager, and then open it again.
# Close Task Manager.
Delete the following registry values
Go to your registry (start-->run-->enter regedit-->press OK)
Browse to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
and delete the value:
Find the following keys:
|HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
and delete the value:
"MMSystem"="%Windir%\rundll32.exe "%System%\mmsystem.dll"", RunDll32"
If you're using Windows 9x/Me, click on start, and run. In the Run window, type "Edit c:\windows\system.ini" and press enter. search for: shell=explorer.exe If it is present, and has anything to the right of .exe, delete it. The final line should look like above. click on File, Save, then File, Exit (ALT F S and ALT F X)
Remove the entries in the HOSTS file.
The hosts file is stored under the Windows folder. It Windows XP it's in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc, in Windows 2000 it is C:\Winnt\System32\Drivers\Etc, and in Windows 9x/Me it's in C:\Windows.
Select everything. Delete all.
Now just enter this one line
" localhost" without the quotes.
And save it as the file name "hosts" (no file extention) to the same folder.
Is that all? No it time to ponder
Is it really worth your time and money (you could lose all your money in the bank if your password is compromised) to be worrying about these things?
It is always better to have a software that can protect your computer and you. Spywares are more dangerous than viruses, coz of the simple reason that they steal your information. Your banking account password is much more worthy to them than your computer. And thats what most of them are after.