I'm cconfused, I'm 62 (Viet Nam Vet), new to computing (3 years), and trying to figure it all out. About the time I think I've got it figured out, I run across another term or piece of information that makes me wonder. I can't imagine tho, with the possibility that some jerk could bring the internet down, there by causing panick, anarchism, the collapse of banking and military and the affect and effect on our natiional security, why the government hasn't imposed severe sanctions, even capitol ones, for those who would disrupt our way of life. It seems like the bad guy is the only one granted protection under the law, the rest of us are thrown to the wolves and left to our own devices. It seems to me that more time should be spent getting rid of (permantly) those miscreants, and there-by having to spend less time and money protecting ourselves. Anyway, after all my rantings if anyone can remember my question, I'm very interested in the difference. Have a good and safe day!