Can a computer virus affect your house phone and television? Comcast says it can.?
2006-11-12 16:05:16 UTC
There is a virus on my brother's computer, I couldn't get rid of it, nor could the virus scanner. He has yet to do a full system restore to fix it. But his internet has been running slow and I think he had some problems with his TV and phone. When Comcast came over they said he had a virus that is eating his computer which is slowing down the internet, I believe that, and that its eating the TV and phone. That doesn't seem right. I know a lot about computers and somewhat about viruses, but this is new. Is this possible? They charged him $50 as the problem is not with their equipment but with his computer. Again, I know it can be the cause of his internet and computer slowdowns, and the "insert cd" message when his computer is started, but the TV and phone? Thanks - JOE
Seven answers:
2006-11-12 16:10:36 UTC
A virus will cause the internet to bog down. If you have Comcast phone service, your phone goes over the internet, so a virus can mess that up too. If your TV comes off the same box that the internet connection does, the virus could be messing up the whole box and causing tv problems.
2006-11-12 16:14:12 UTC
Your brother was ripped of by the "Comcast" tech. No virus can have any impact on your TV, or your telephone. The virus if not removed will have an impact only on his computer system.

You don't say what virus scanner you have. If it is Nortons or Mcafee, don't expect to get rid of any virus as both are garbage.

You can only use one antivirus program or you will have serious conflict with your system. You can use three or four antispyware without any conflict.

Either remove the antivirus you have or from your system tray shut down the antivirus program. Then download this free program that I used for nine plus years. This program scan all 195,000 objects in my system. As a real time scanner that is excellent state of the art technology. Will stop any virus in real time, and prevent the virus from entering your system. You also get auto. updates two or three times per day. The free version is the same as the corporate version, they just make corporate pay.

Avast is out of Prague, they will ask you for your email address so they can send you a free key that is good for one year. After one year you just request another key.

Minddoctor, France
2006-11-12 16:25:53 UTC
yes the virus can cause problems on your link and not your tv, that is because they are both two different frequencies. When the headend sends your signal to your house its split at the house to be used as your tv signal or computer.

Your computer has the virus and depending on if it was quarantened or not will determine if the virus is working still, and is it a virus or worm?

One way to find out is see if the AV scanner detects the virus if so goto and look up the way to properly delete the problem. Also look for the name of the virus in regedit and remove it manually if you find it.
2006-11-12 16:18:48 UTC
I don't think that it would affect the telephone or television HARDWARE, but the virus could be bogging down your Internet - therefore causing problems with your telephone and television CONNECTIONS.

It all really depends on the interworkings of the Comcast systems.

I use a popular Midwestern service that is similar to Comcast. Ours is set up so that even if the Internet goes down or is slow, the telephone and television are uneffected even though they all use the same connection.

But, I have friends with Vonage telephone and when their web goes down or is slow, it is not possible to get a dial tone.

Sounds like something that you need to take up with your service provider. At minimum, though, you need to get the virus off of that machine.
2016-11-23 23:11:32 UTC
Jeez, that is not rocket technological know-how. in case you pay for yet another connection you will get an identical service levels on the two machines. Cable IS is a shared medium so that is not any worse than while your neighbor places of their own cable modem. The income to 2 modems is with the upstream limiters put in place to decrease the bandwidth to a single modem. So theoretically you have greater bandwidth accessible. almost the cable section is in all possibility oversubscribed to a factor the place limiters at the instant are not often mandatory through fact the prevalent client load on the section limits the truthfully throughput. Is the achieveable overall performance progression incredibly worth it? in line with possibility, yet don't get your hopes up. the place you will possibly see an truthfully difficulty in enforcing this answer is with the sign levels. with the help of splitting the cable you upload a three db loss at each chop up. So with the help of doing so which you will decrease the sign to the two units. that is not inevitably a genuine difficulty except you have already got a marginal sign. often severe high quality cable and splitters will do the job, yet a $one hundred bidirectional cable amplifier will cope with maximum sign point subjects.
2006-11-12 16:08:35 UTC
tv and phone? doubt it....sounds like a repair man that use to work at mcd's and has no clue.

here are the free programs on the web to get rid of anything:


eTrust PestControl





Spyware Blaster

google each for its download page and clean up the computer.
2006-11-12 16:07:23 UTC
listen to virus alert by weird al,

its a joke about what it can do.

kidding, i suppose if its all the same service than the answer would be yes

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