Noton is a horrid software program. Once they get you on one of their products they string you along with more costs. I would never use any program, especially a Security program which does not come with completely free 24/7 technical assistance. Norton also trys to get their customer's to purchase a "Help Desk" and if you do not do so are at risk of having 'bad' things happen on your system. I had Norton when I bought my first Dell System. It came bundled and I did not know any better at the time. I should have removed it as soon as I booted that computer up for the first time and finished the setup. My computer was crashed and burned out my Dell Re-Imaging System, totally, never to be useful again. This was directly, the day after, I had refused to purchase Norton's "Help Desk". At that time Dell had a Help Desk which was super. It covered anything you needed, any time of the day or week, from the smallest item, like how to save a file, to huge stuff like re-installing a crashed OS after a burn out from a huge virus "somebody" sent after a refusal to buy a product. Norton also only actually updates once a month, when it is important to have a daily update of virus and other malware signitures. McAfee is not nearly as bad a Noton, but it simply does not have all the stuff my current Security Solution has, so when I purchased my newest computer (a purchase made after a hardware malfunction with Dell creating a full refund) and it came with McAfee bundled with all this other junk. I had told Dell to not install any Security software on the new system as I had a solution I was intending to install as soon as the system arrived. However, I was told that as it comes as a bundle with other software, (also which I did not want) it was impossible to seperate out single or multiple items and not installt them. I then explained to just not install the bundle as I have all the software I wanted to place on the system already, yet whenever we purchase from one of these manufacturer's, software comes with it as advertisements and inticements with these stupid trial offers. This is how some of these companies now push products off on consumer's and until we start making a real stink about it we will keep having more of it put on these systems.
The first thing I do now when I purchase a new computer is remove all the junk that is in it when it arrives. Yes this is a headache, but it saves me space on my hard drive and I simply do not want any of it anyway. The hardest software to remove is Security Suites or programs as they embed deeply in the OS in order to carry out the function of protecting the various parts of the OS and browser and e-mail and chat programs etc.
Anytime a Security program needs removing, especially a Firewall and an Anti-virus, special removal tools are required, which you have to obtain from the various manufacturers of the product. Also important to know is that Norton and McAfee have two different tools for each program. One for a temporariy removal with the intention of re-installing after some need to remove the program. This tool leaves behind many files and executables and Registry Keys in order to facilitate easy re-installtions. In order for a full and complete removal the tool for that has to be firmly requested. McAfee makes it very simple, by providing a chat program on the support portion of their website and the technician at the other end just sends it through the chat box. You have to explain you want a full removal though or you will be given the partial removal tool. This is what happened to me the first time I attempted to remove McAfee and it left behind the entire FireWall program which then caused great interferance and crashes in my system when I installed and tried using my prefered solution from Panda Software.
Now, are you also using a Router? If so you may need to go in and make adjustments for that program in there. I use a Router and have a place in my browser setup pages for entering programs which need access though the firwall.
Do NOT shut off your Security Solution while using any direct connection to the internet. This leaves you wide open for all sorts of malware which can and will crash you system or even worse take it over and turn it into a zombie which is then used to send mass spam and ohter junk even viruses to others. I would never, ever, completely turn off my Security to use a chat program or a game or other program. If you need to in order to temporarily fix an issue, that is different and you can then disconnect from the net while doing the trouble shooting.
I also reccomend removing Norton from your system, completely. They will continue to try to bleed you dry, squeezing every extra dime they can from you. At the least that is. At the worst you can expect to receive a nice juicy virus from them when they realize you are having 'trouble' are not an IT tech, and think they can get away with it. Norton is worse than Nothing!
Look into
I am not encouraging you to buy from Panda, just check it out and see what you think. I swear by it, but we all have our own preferences and price abilities. While there are some good free products out there, I sincerelly prefer to pay for my Security as I know I am getting good service and it has me covered in all contingencies. I really believe Panda is the best out there, and it use to be sold only to corperations. That tells me a lot about how good it is. Now after over a year and a half using Panda, I can say I have never had a moment of trouble with any sort of malware.
Good luck and I wish you the best in deciding what solution is going to work best for you. Have a great day!