does anyone know what this virus does?
2008-12-02 07:39:35 UTC
firstly i got this instant message from my friend saying this is what your face looks like, with a link underneath it.

ok i clicked it stupidly but then it asked me run or save so i clicked cancel, i did copy paste the link though the bar where you type internet address and again opened a box with options to run or save but clicked cancel.
I didn't download anything.

first question is my laptop safe?
second question what damage could this virus have done to my friends laptop (she doesn't have virus software)

my bf tried to fix it for her, ran her through the regedit stuff to delete anything dodgy but when the idiot tried to restart her laptop she sort of slammed the screen not hard enough to damage the case, but her laptop wont work properly now, it boots as far as asking to start in safe mode, and wont go further

Is this my br fault or her fault for getting mad at it or the virus

most important to me is what damage has the virus done, eg getting access to my email address and am i or my friend at risk of online credit fraud.

ps my bf knows what he is doing when it comes to regedit so i am convinced its his fault why the laptop wont work now

Ten answers:
Liz V
2008-12-02 07:56:28 UTC
From what you describe at the start it doesn't sound like you installed anything so I'm guessing that there isn't a virus on the machine - best way to check this is to download AVG Free ( ) if you don't have a vurus checker already installed.

That said at the moment you can't install anything. The thing to do is to boot into the pc in safe mode if that is all that is available and then check the event viewer (its in the admin tools) and see what messages the pc gives you. This may give you an idea of where the problem is.

Its possible that regedit removed something useful like a dll or that your friend stopped regedit from finishing correctly when she shut the machine down and now the machine is confused.

Good luck and don't blame yourself my daughter installed something called live messenger plus services thinking that it was an update (and who wouldn't) this software then proceeded to display loads of pop ups and eat all her memory. There are lots of nasty people who take advantage of everyday computer users.
2008-12-02 07:52:59 UTC
Well If you never downloaded it you should be fine... If you did download it you may have a Trojan or other Virus... From the sound of it you may have a Trojan which is a Back Door to computer and lets people in and do what they would like to do. As for your friend who's computer is not working a Regedit error sounds like its the problem... The computer is not booting which could be a result of deleting or changing a file that is part of the boot up...
2008-12-02 10:48:10 UTC
People are making silly assumptions.The only way you will know if both computers are clean is to run several anti malware program, firstly your AV, then top anti spyware programs like MalwareBytes AntiMalware ans Superantispyware, then perhaps Kaspersky Online scan.

As for the regedit,even an amateur knows,you never delete entries from the registry without backing them up first.I would guess its almost certain his dabbling in the registry has caused the failure to boot. I would say you may be looking at reformatting this pc,tell your bf in future to back up the registry before he starts destroying it
☀ ☁ Ⓒⓗⓡⓘⓢⓣ' ⓢ Ⓑⓞⓝⓓⓢⓜⓐⓝ☀✿
2008-12-02 07:50:03 UTC
nothing really happened to your computer since you didn't download,saved or copy anything from that link to it. what you need to do is get an antivirus and anti-spyware program to scan your computer and delete any threats that might be lurking. spybot, cccleaner, and virtumondebegone are good choices that are free and can accurately detect viruses and spywares. And im supposing that you meant that your bf knew what he was doing so it wasn't his fault that the computer won't start? Well if you want it to start again, choose the safe mode option with networking. If it doesnt start then tell your friend to get whatever operating system she had on there before, pop it in and restart the computer and follow the onscreen directions. But if she didn't have any virus or spyware protection like she mentioned, then her computer is seriously infected and she shouldn't check her emails on (well now she can't b/c it won't start lol). yeah but email me if you have any difficulties.
2008-12-02 07:47:30 UTC
This is NOT a virus.

You were almost the victim of a popular ploy propagated by botnets.

When you click "install" it downloads a malware "Zombie" to your computer when then sends spam when the botnet master pings it.

If you cancelled out of the dialog, you should be okay.

ADVICE: If you use a computer OTHER than a Macintosh, purchase any of the anti-spyware / anti-malware services like McAfee that will update your protection as new threats are discovered. (This malicious cyber crime practice does not affect Apple Macintosh computers. )
2008-12-02 07:46:42 UTC
Unless you download anything not, there is no way to get affected from Internet as you might be using Antivirus. I think, it is the change you did in the regedit section made you laptop like this. Better don't change anything in those sections without any guidance.


2008-12-02 07:56:41 UTC
Since you canceled and did not "Run" that link, I am 99% sure that your computer is fine.

It was NOT an actual link to a website. What you clicked was a .com file, which is an executable (.exe) file that would have tryed to install if you had chosen to run it. Since you didn't your machine should be OK.
2008-12-02 07:50:31 UTC
Sounds like it was an MSN worm. Not really that dangerous.

Worms dont usually carry a "payload" they just "worm" their way into other systems (by producing the links that you saw)

I would bet that slamming the laptop down would have caused a disc corruption, and now windows wont boot. Nothing to do with the worm.

Edit :

Was this the text you saw?

Heeey! I found a picture of you online , Haha look at your face :D[censored]/[censored]/[censored]/picdown.php
2008-12-02 07:44:16 UTC
Ach I had this years ago. It just makes you spam every one else, you should run a virus incase of real damage. The spam won't go away intill you uninstall your instand messenger & delete it off your computer & reinstall the im.

Hope I helped

2008-12-02 08:08:53 UTC
Goodle it and it will give you a link on how to remove it.You should do this

with any suspicious links.

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