Protecting yourself and your computer from viruses has become a necessity in the last few years. Viruses have become more prevalent and more destructive as well. This information is intended to help you understand a little bit more about computer viruses, how they attack, and how to protect your computer from them.
You'll find information on removing a number of viruses below, there is also information on some freeware antivirus software and other information to help you recover from a computer virus attack.
Virus News and Updates
What are Computer Viruses?
How to Protect Yourself Against Viruses
Virus News and Updates
Welchia or MSBLAST.D worm removal
How to Manually Run the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool
Grum - email from removal
MyDoom/Novarg.A/MiMail.R worm removal
MyDoom.B virus removal
Dumaru.Y and Dumaru.Z Virus Removal
MiMail.C worm Removal (updated with other variants)
SoBig.F Virus removal
Dumaru Virus Removal
JDBGMGR.EXE Hoax and how to recover file
MiMail.A worm Removal
BugBear.B worm removal
Backdoor SDBot.H Trojan Removal
Klez Virus Detection and Removal
SirCam Virus Detection and Removal
W95.MTX Virus Detection and Removal
Hybris Trojan - Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs email
Detection and Removal
BadTrans Trojan Virus Removal
Magistr Virus Information
Shockwave Trojan (creative.exe) Detection and Removal
Navidad Virus Detection and Removal
Bymer Trojan (wininit.exe) virus removal
VBS.Loveletter and NewLove Information
QAZ Trojan - Notepad.exe replacement Trojan
Detection and Removal of KAKWorm - Kagou-Anti-Krosoft error
updated with new Automatic Removal Program
VBS.Stages - Life_Stages scrap object
Worm Detection and Removal
with automatic removal program from Symantec
Brown Orifice - Netscape Java Security Hole
SMASH Virus Alert and Information
Sillyworm.vbs - Detection and Removal
Winkiller.A Trojan - X1.exe Information
Killer Resume Macro Virus Information
Happy99.exe virus/worm Detection and Removal
Download the automatic removal program
Pretty Park worm Detection and Removal
Detection and Removal of Back Orifice - Boserve.exe
Also a Warning about - virus
What are
Computer Viruses?
What are Computer Viruses
Is it a Virus or a Hoax?
Spam - The new Virus
How to Protect Yourself Against Viruses
Follow these simple steps to keep yourself and your computer virus free.
Purchase and/or Download an Anti-Virus program to spot viruses
Anti-virus software is a must for any computer connected to the Internet or otherwise. Viruses travel by many means and the first thing you should do is install software to catch the viruses.
Click here to learn more.
or Download a Free Antivirus program
Update your current Anti-Virus software
Protection against viruses is only as good as your last update.
Click here to learn how to update your anti-virus software
Uninstall Antivirus Programs
Uninstall McAfee Antivirus
Uninstall Norton Antivirus
Uninstall Avast
Uninstall AVG
Uninstall AntiVir
Uninstall Panda
Scan for Viruses regularly
Its a good idea to scan your system on a regular basis to avoid infection. Most anti-virus software scans files as you open them, but its a good idea to run a full scan of your system on a weekly basis.
If you do not have an antivirus software product installed on your computer, try using one of the various online virus scanners to scan your system and remove any problems.
Watch out for Email Attachments
Viruses attached to email are currently the most common and widespread computer viruses. Although some viruses can attack just by opening email (like the KAK Worm), most won't activate until you open the attachment.
Click here to learn more about Email Attachments and Viruses
How to Disable System Restore in Windows ME or Windows XP
Many times viruses cannot be removed properly in Windows ME or XP without first disabling the System Restore features.
Click here to learn how to disable or reenable the System Restore features
Use a Firewall to Protect Your Computer from Intruders
The best defense against someone invading your computer is a personal firewall.
Click here to learn more about Firewalls and Computer Security