Hi! I'm a Senior Computer Technician and I would love to help you with your situation!
What you are experiencing is what is called Adware/Scareware. It's a type of program that installs itself deep inside your computer and 'warns' you of an infection that could prove dangerous...
...Here's the irony. The infection IS the warning. It's a scam to sell you software that will do you NO GOOD.
The thing is, you need three types of programs:
A program that sniffs out and removes other pesky programs. A good one is "Revouninstaller", and it's free. Download it and use it's 'Hunter Mode" to be able to point at windows and icons, have it tell you where it's hiding, and have it delete it... Once and for all. It also has an incredible uninstaller built in that finds pieces left over after uninstalls. It's amazing! www.revouninstaller.com
Then, get an item like "Threat Fire" that will try and remove the other parts through 'behavior'. Unlike Antivirus/Antispyware programs, which require a 'blacklist' of know infections to find and to remove files, a behavioral program finds things through a 'whitelist' of what's good, and what is 'behaving' strangely. www.threatfire.com (It's free!)
Afterwards. download a program to fix all the screwed up registry files leftover from the infection's havoc. A good, free one is "CCleaner", from Piriform. www.ccleaner.com
NOTE: For additional Security, download "a-Squared". It's my most preferred FREE Antispyware/Malware software out there.
Depending on how much of your deep system files the viruses have infected may result in you having to restore the unit to an earlier time, or to do a complete reformat, if the above tips don't work!
Hope this helps!
~ Brian