Ok, I just have to say that I hope you read this before resorting to a a complete reformat (may be needed, but at "first glance", it seems like major overkill to me)
It sounds to me like you have been infected with malware and I agree with another poster that some "free" program you installed was really adware and it installed Baylon related items to your system.
I'd get both FREE programs MalwareBytes ( http://www.malwarebytes.org/ ) And Super AntiSpyware ( http://www.superantispyware.com/ ) and see what they come up with (I'd scan in Safe Mode, by the way .. to get into safe mode, before you see the windows logo screen when booting up, press F8 on the keyboard and select Safe mode)
For badly infected computers here are a few more options:
( http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/combofix/how-to-use-combofix)
This may help you out, though its not for "new users" ... just follow the prompts and read everything it tells you and dont just go through the options without reading what your actually doing with Combofix ... and you will be ok
RKIll -
Some options for some infections that block security software like Malwarebytes and your Antivirus, from removing them, by disabling the infections blocking feature are:
RKill ( http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/anti-virus/rkill )
A common fix for some infections is as follows (I am not saying it will work for you, but it's worth a shot)
1) Reboot to Safe Mode
2) Run RKill (remember to get Rkill from a legit site)
3) DO NOT REBOOT ... still in safe mode, NOW run Malwarebytes
4) Reboot and (just a tip: run a full AV and Spyware scan "just to be double-sure your infection free") and test programs and the stuff you normally use to see if everything is back to normal
Good Luck,