OK, now that you've seen the tons of work you have to do, in the above post, try this.
Download the FREE http://pclinuxos.com LiveCDrom and burn the image to CD.
Re-boot with that LiveCDrom in the drive.
Now, if the hardware is good, but, as is most usually the case, this proves that Microsoft Windows is totally trojaned and virused!!!
With the FREE PCLinuxOS running LIVE in RAM, and off of the LiveCD, the entire system, along with 1900 FREE Games, programs, applications, will boot up and run at upto 50X faster than it ever ran in MS Windoze!!!
Thank me, and if you really enjoy having a very advanced system, with total control over it, then, you can click on the "Install" icon!!!
I would wipe out the old drive entirely! Goodbye to all 114,000 "Microsoft Virus Definitions"! Linux is what Microsoft.com, MSN.com, Hotmail.com, and, the entire Redmond Development Labs run on 45,000 computers!
If you think you are bright, just imagine following the example set by folks who have $50 Billion CASH in the bank!