Pictures 326K sounds data enough for only one good picture, usually good pictures that come from digital machines occupy more then 400k , so either you have lots of small pictures or you just have one good picture
As for viruses, i can give you a very usefull advise... the last 3 letters of a file name (so the 3 letters after the last dot) attachments is what determines the file risk
so, if you have .exe or .com or.vbs delete them immediately
if it's jpg or bmp or gif have no worrys because the file algorithms do not allow any space for viruses
however, with services like GMAIL never let you run files when you click them right away, so you can always download viruses into your computer but you will NEVER be infected if you don't run those programs
I recommend you to join GMail i can sen you an invitation just say you want one in additional details, you will have your needs brought to you upon your face i tell you, i love it
they also give you header previews each mail, spam filters are great, messages are kept in context and virus support is even greater when you have attachments, you can't download them before Gmail know it's free of virus!
hope this helps
In addition, if you are looking for a great Anti virus software and security while surfing go for kaspersky Internet Security, its russian software and it will be your best choice, i use it now and i love it as i cant even notice its working and it has daily updates