These steps may help:
Parasite & Pirate defense measures
Try malwarebytes to clean up your system:
SpywareBlaster for system wide, realtime protection:
An avalanche of advertising schemes have gripped the entire internet.
Don't let the battalions of external parasites into your system in the first place. Take a solid defensive posture & stop these guys @ your 'doorstep' and keep 'em out. These steps will help, but methods (vectors) constantly change, and it's getting harder to tell malware apart from server based misbehavior:
INTERNET EXPLORER: Tools> Internet Options> Privacy> Advanced:
here check 'Override automatic....'; 'Allow session cookies'; 'Allow 1st party cookies' & 'Block 3rd Party Cookies'.
FIREFOX: Tools> Options> Privacy: Check 'Accept Cookies from sites'
& Un-Check 'Accept 3rd Party cookies'
Firefox add-on's
Add block plus:
"NoScript" for Firefox will stop a lot of these adware/spyware & hijackers:
Use this feature to block unwanted advertising re-direct:
With NS running, down on the far right corner is a blue 'S' with a red line through it: right click that> tick 'forbid -------' &/or mark as 'untrusted'.
(Ticking all may reduce interactive behavior; enable just enough to get what's necessary)
Server based spy/adware, that tracks your surfing & builds a profile of your surfing with advertising conglomerate jackals: requires "Opt Out" and requires EVERY BROWSER ON EVERY MACHINE you use to be done...
Yahoo here:
Google here:
NAI garbage here:
DoubleClick poison here:
(List of 64 Yahoo! co-conspirator advertisers they inflict on users are listed here:
Note: it's getting harder to discern between rouge malware and server based spyware, which may cause multiple symptoms on your system.
When installing ANY new application, check the EULA for 'Toolbars' and/or other crud they try to slip past ya'.
Get this: the 'New' Yahoo, by default, allows your "Yahoo! Contacts (or Addresses)" computers, to send to whatever 3rd party software they have on THEIR computer, information about you! Can you believe that!!?
This is something you must end ASAP.
Look in your mail account settings (ya, it's buried very conveniently) and uncheck this box!
Go to your Yahoo! Mail: near the "Welcome (your name)", tick the 'Profile' link; next page, upper right corner, tick 'Settings'; next page, near the bottom is the box to uncheck.
And the deterioration of trust with Yahoo!'s pathetic.
Good luck. :)