Anyone know how to get onto my computer without using a password?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Anyone know how to get onto my computer without using a password?
Fifteen answers:
2016-08-01 12:33:37 UTC
Reset Your Password Easily!
2016-07-30 16:32:45 UTC
Haven't thought about that
2016-04-06 08:57:53 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Each time you've attempted to guess at a password in any of those accounts, it can be seen by your dad. Your not gonna get around those passwords that he set and with your account disabled, that just sealed the deal. My advice, talk to your dad about your computer use.
2014-08-23 20:02:59 UTC

Here I got Password Recovery for free

It's a very good program and easy to use.

2008-01-17 10:14:42 UTC
Curious are we -- about what could be on the H.D. ?

Lots of answers here ---- many will not work -- a couple will.

Another way to get in is in "WikiHow" -- go there and read up.

"One" could also , if you did"nt want to "change" things around --- and at the same time be "sneaky" about it ---- take the H.D. out of the case --- set the "jumper pin settings" on the back to "slave" ----- hook it up to another computer H.D.(jumper pin settings to Master-- or Master with Slave present) and boot up, You should see both drives on your screen and have access to both. You could even transfer over all the information , or whatever portion of it you wanted to the Master H.D. and save it --- really -- you could do just about anything you wanted to do with that 'Slave" H.D.--- even "add" a little "message" to it ---and give it back ---(hehe) it would be yours to do whatever your heart desires.

Have fun---- stay out of trouble.

2008-01-17 06:59:00 UTC to a microsoft article on "your problem). u can try this though; try to hold down the "esc" key whilerestarting your comp'and it should allow you to start the boot process in "safemode".

but starting your comp doesnt take a 'passwrd'. getting into the already running comp' with either your or some one elses logon name requires the 'passwrd' sry hope this helps

go tto microsoft official help site for all your ms issues......

losing ur password and not being able to answer the safety question leaves you(as well as the rest of us) in a "badplace"if you can get in under ANY user that takes a password then ur ok.. if theres only 1 ps wrd (administrator) user than your only option I am currently aware of is a full system flash BIOS ,sry, if u can get in under another user that's an admin(password protected) you go into user accounts and remove/change the other users account to a non pswrd prtctd accnt,then u can go in under that user (as theres no passwrd anylonger)

IF only 1 admin accnt then restart comp,hold bown f8 from the mment you restart and youll be given a list of options to getting onto ur comp. but u might have to terminat all your personalization and files good luck
2008-01-17 06:37:00 UTC
Try the following C program. Type and Compile to exe and start your computer with bootable device with this exe file. And then in the command prompt type the exe file name followed by user name and password to change.

# include

# include

# include

# include

# include

# include

# include

unsigned char huge Data[100001];

unsigned char keystream[1001];

int Rpoint[300];

void main(int argc,char *argv[]){

FILE *fd;

int i,j;

int size;

char ch;

char *name;

int cracked;

int sizemask;

int maxr;

int rsz;

int pos;

int Rall[300]; /* Resourse allocation table */


printf("usage: glide filename (username)");



/* Read PWL file */



printf("can't open file %s",argv[1]);









/* Find Username */




/* Copy encrypted text into keystream */





/* Generate 20 bytes of keystream */








/* Find allocated resources */









maxr=(((maxr/16)+1)*16); /* Resourse pointer table size appears to be

divisible by 16 */

/*Search after resources */

Rpoint[0]=0x0208+2*maxr+20+2; /* First resources */

/* Find the size of current resourse */




printf("Analysing block with size:%04x (%d:%d)",rsz,i,Rall[i]);


printf("Unused resourse has nonzero size!!!");

printf("If last line produed any:You may try to recover");

printf("Press y to attempt the recovery");







/* Resourse have a tedency to have the wrong size for some reason*/

/* Chech for correct size*/



pos=pos+2; /* Very rude may fail */



pos+=2; /* Include pointer in size */




/* Insert Table data into keystream*/


keystream[20+2*i]^=Rpoint[i] & 0x00ff;

keystream[21+2*i]^=(Rpoint[i]>>8) & 0x00ff;



printf("%d Bytes of ketstream recoverd",cracked);

/* Decrypt resources */








Sarah Poke
2008-01-17 06:25:43 UTC
Dont listen to that guy with taking the battery out. You are talking about the Windows XP login. Clearing the CMOS is just for the computer motherboard, the hardware, it has no effect whatsoever on Windows XP, or the hard drive. If he is talking about the password on the bootup screen, he is sadly mistaken too, it wont erase that either. You can only get rid of a system password by changing the BIOS (physically or flashing it). But that is not important and is more than you need to know for your current problem.

Unless you can login as an administrator, you will not be able to delete your husband's user account to delete or change his password. XP only allows that if you have an administrator account. Since you cant get in, I am assuming you do not have access to it or have another administrator account, or you log in as the Guest, which still wont let you mess with user account settings.

If you are trying to get into his files, or use it is to reinstall Windows XP, stick in the CD, and reinstall it, only instead of reinstalling, you tell it to repair it. This will reinstall a lot of new system files, and make a new account user and login as well. The good news is that files, my documents, and programs will still work (most of the programs, some will not work, but most should still work).

This really is your only option. Safe mode only lets you get in and troubleshoot. You wont be able to do anything to the user accounts (or their passwords), all you will see is a low resolution environment where you cant do much but troubleshoot.
2008-01-17 05:58:22 UTC

Just boot in safe mode

When you restart your PC just press F5 or F10.But make sure you right at the beginning.

Hope it helps
Ron M
2008-01-17 06:12:01 UTC
Help with a lost Windows password

Windows includes a hidden Administrator account that can be used for problems with other accounts. You can access it by restarting the computer into safe mode.

First, restart the computer. As it starts, repeatedly press the F8 key (some computers instead require the Delete or Esc key). Instead of the familiar Windows screen, you'll see a text-only Advanced Options Menu. Use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode. Then press Enter.

Select the Administrator account. By default on most computers, it requires no password. Once logged in, you can change the password of the account you normally use.

To make the change, click Start>>Run. In the box, type "control userpasswords2" (without the quotes) and click OK. Select your normal account name in the list. Click the Reset Password button. You'll be prompted for a new password. You can restart the computer and use the new password on your normal account.

If you're completely locked out of your computer, you'll need software. Such services include Login Recovery, FastCrack, and NT Password and Registry Editor. Each is free. They make use of boot disks that you can download to a floppy or burn to CD. Of course, you'll have to use some other computer to do the downloading.

Once you've got access to your computer, set a new password through Windows. To do it, click Start>>Control Panel. Double-click User Accounts. Select your account and click "Change my password." You'll be prompted for a new password.

You'll also have the opportunity to enter a password reminder. It should trigger your memory if you ever forget your password. But the reminder should not be descriptive enough to allow others to determine your password.
2008-01-17 06:01:26 UTC
first just try hitting enter when it prompts for the password.

if that dont work then:

you didnt say if it is a pc or laptop. But in a pc you can try first to start the puter,before it gets booted up press F12 and choose start in safe mode. once in there go to control panel and choose users then the account with the password and delete the password. the restart the computer normally. If this don't work take the left side panel off of the puter and on the motherboard is a battery (looks like a big watch battery) remove the battery and leave out for an hour then put it back in. this will reset the cmos and should wipe out the password.
2014-09-12 12:05:08 UTC
Don't listen to these guys, they clearly have no clue on what they're talking about. I am a developer at Microsoft so I know a thing or two about computers. The only way to reset your windows password 100% safe is to use a software called Reset Password Pro.

The software allows you to create a boot-disk, that can be made on a CD/DVD or USB stick. The boot-disk can then be inserted into any locked machine, and it's a simple case of pressing reset. Here is their official site:
2008-01-17 05:58:04 UTC
Before ever using your pc, when it prompts to "og in with user name and password" DO NOT. Just open Windows.
Balaji P
2008-01-17 05:59:46 UTC
in control panel gotot user acconuts...then u can remove the password for log on!!
2008-01-17 06:00:37 UTC
I think you need to reformat the drive and start over.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.