so the other night i was texting my friend and he lives 2 hours away so he asks "do you have a skype account?" and im like "no, why?" and he's like "well get one now because we can talk on there for free!" and i was hesitant because i didn't really have an idea of what it was. i mean, a few months ago i was overseas with some family and their church, and my cousin had his laptop and we used skype to call people back home, but i didnt really know to much about it. also i have some friends overseas and i just wanna know if skype is ok? will it slow down my computer if i download it? is it really a good price if i wanna call overseas? is it REALLY free calling to other members of skype? could it hurt my computer in any way, like could it give me a virus or something? i have a dell netbook, and it's a small version of a regular laptop, and it doesnt have a ton of memory and all that...could it affect my computer? i wanna get skype to make calls on my laptop, and have video chat and all that, but i wanna do my homework on it first and i'd like to make sure its safe. so can you let me in on all the risks? thanks yall =)